text/x-generic index.php ( PHP script, UTF-8 Unicode text ) FF Gramatneusiedl

SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu=(SELECT menu FROM menu WHERE id=66) AND zeigen=1 ORDER BY reihung ASC

SELECT * FROM termine WHERE ende>1737521905 AND anzeigen='ja' ORDER BY beginn ASC LIMIT 0,4

SELECT * FROM monat WHERE monat=01

SELECT * FROM menu WHERE id=66

SELECT thema, erstellt, thema_lang, beginn, ziel, termine.id AS id, termine_art.art AS art FROM termine INNER JOIN termine_art ON termine.art=termine_art.id AND ende>1737529105 AND termine.anzeigen='ja' AND termine_art.art='Feuerwehrjugend' ORDER BY beginn ASC

SELECT * FROM monat WHERE monat=01
Datum - BeginnThemaKategorie
01.Jän 1970 - 00:00 Uhr
Die gelb markierten Einträge wurden kürzlich geändert!